Today was my first full day with Casper.
I spent lots of time grooming him and letting him graze. Later I brought him to the inside arena and did some friendly game. I discovered that Casper was unconfident with the helicopter. I waited until he showed signs of relaxation and then stopped.
Next we checked the porcupine game. He was heavy in the beginning but soon became connnected and responsive.
The driving game was good.
I went to phase four during yoyo game once but then I needed only to raise my finger. During the circling game he stopped behind me twice. After that he trotted two laps around me and then did a nice change of direction. He was so calm and connected that I thought I could ride him for a little.
After tacking up and making sure he was comfortable with the pad I mounted him. First I asked him to bend both ways and then slowly asked him to walk on the rail. Casper was very curious about the gate to another paddock and would become disconnected in the far end of the arena. I made him very busy by asking him to bend to the inside and to trot a little bit. Then I dismounted and scratched his withers.